Well Fed Cat

12 Jul 2021


Interactive Use Of This Library


The idea is to use this library from groovy or java interactive interpreter.

Use with groovy interactively

To use this library with groovy in interactive mode one needs to use groovysh (don’t confuse with groovyConsole). It allows to interactively execute groovy statements and use the result in subsequent statements.

To use this library, corresponding jar file should be in the classpath.


Make sure, that JAVA_HOME points to JDK16 and it’s java is on the path.


/path/to/groovysh -cp /path/to/well-fed-cat.jar

Then in groovysh:

groovy:000> import dsemikin.wellfedcat.*
===> dsemikin.wellfedcat.*

groovy:000> import java.nio.file.Paths
===> dsemikin.wellfedcat.*, java.nio.file.Paths

groovy:000> dishesStoreFile = Paths.get("C:\\tmp\\WellFedCatDishStore.wds")
===> C:\tmp\WellFedCatDishStore.wds

groovy:000> dishesStore = new DishStoreSimpleFile(dishesStoreFile)
===> DishStoreSimpleFile@1c7350b0

groovy:000> dishStore = dishesStore
===> DishStoreSimpleFile@1c7350b0

groovy:000> dishStore.allDishes()
===> ...

Use with Java interactively

Make sure, that we use JDK 16.

I should admit, that on Windows I like jshell more, than groovysh, because it provides tab-completion, which is very handy.

jshell --class-path path\to\well-fed-cat-lib-interactive-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
|  Welcome to JShell -- Version 16
|  For an introduction type: /help intro

jshell> import dsemikin.wellfedcat.*

jshell> import java.nio.file.Paths

jshell> var dishStoreFile = Paths.get("C:\\tmp\\WellFedCatDishStore.wds")
dishStoreFile ==> C:\tmp\WellFedCatDishStore.wds

jshell> var dishStore = new DishStoreSimpleFile(dishStoreFile)
dishStore ==> DishStoreSimpleFile@726f3b58

jshell> Utils.printDishes(dishStore.allDishes())
Dish[name=Eggs roasted, suitableForMealTimes=[SUPPER, LUNCH]]
Dish[name=Fish with Pesto, suitableForMealTimes=[LUNCH]]
Dish[name=Meat, suitableForMealTimes=[LUNCH]]
